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Senator Ayogu Eze Is Dead





Former Senator representing Enugu North Senatorial District in the National Assembly, Ayogu Eze, is reportedly dead.

Naija News learnt that the former Senate spokesman died in an Abuja Hospital after a protracted illness.

A source who spoke to the Daily Post said the late Senator had been down, which prevented him from attending his child’s wedding ceremony earlier in the year, which was held in Lagos State.

Ayogu Eze was a founding member of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, before he defected to the All Progressives Congress, APC, where he ran for the Enugu State governorship election.

Atiku Visits Senator Ningi, Advocate For Stronger Public Institutions

In other news, former Vice-President and 2023 Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, has emphasized the critical need for robust public institutions in advancing Nigeria’s progress during a visit to Senator Abdul Ningi’s residence.

Naija News recalls that Senator Ningi, representing Bauchi Central Senatorial District, was recently suspended by the Senate led by Senator Godswill Akpabio after alleging discrepancies in the federal budget operations.

During his solidarity visit, Atiku articulated his concerns about the National Assembly becoming an instrument for oppressive government practices. He underscored that the interests of Nigerians and the country’s development would greatly benefit from institutions that maintain their integrity and resist undue influence.

Atiku noted that “the integrity of public institutions, especially such as the National Assembly, is a mirror to how the interests of the masses are preserved and protected in a democracy.”

He said further that the struggle that Senator Ningi finds himself in is a continuation of the long-drawn agitation (which Ningi had been a part of) to make sure that public institutions in Nigeria don’t apply brute force to oppress and compromise the interests of the masses.

Rachel Okporu is an entertainment and lifestyle journalist with years of experience in the industry. She is a graduate of Linguistics and Communication Studies. Likes surfing the Internet and making new friends.