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‘It’s A Dangerous Destination, Doesn’t Deserve Royal Visit,’ UK Journalist Slam Prince Harry, Meghan For Visiting Nigeria




Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s visit to Nigeria has drawn criticism from British journalist and presenter, Kevin O’Sullivan.

Naija News recall that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were in Nigeria to honor the Invictus Games, Prince Harry’s competition for wounded soldiers.

Despite their intentions, British journalists and royal supporters have criticized their visit.

According to TalkTV presenter O’Sullivan, Nigeria is undeserving of any endorsement, particularly from the royal family.

The royal family doesn’t just go anywhere. These tours are planned years in advance and the countries that the royals honour with their visits are very carefully chosen.

“There’s no way our royal family would set foot in Nigeria, a country where female genital mutilation is rife; where women’s rights basically don’t exist; and where hundreds of kids are regularly kidnapped by extremist Islamic groups.

“This is not a country that should be endorsed by anyone certainly not our royal family and these two are naive in what they’re doing. They’re making this country look good when it doesn’t deserve it,” the journalist said.

Similarly, O’Sullivan’s guest, royal correspondent Michael Cole criticized Prince Harry’s visit to Nigeria, describing it as a dangerous destination.

Cole said, “I couldn’t tell you the number of royal tours that I’ve been on and what you say is absolutely right. Nigeria, the foreign office and the American State Department both say it’s a dangerous destination, you must not go there. It vies with Johannesburg, South Africa to be the murder capital of the continent.”

Cole highlighted Nigeria’s high crime rates, rampant internet fraud, and lack of prosecutions.

As a former BBC journalist, Cole expressed confusion over Harry’s decision, deeming it irrational.

Meanwhile, King Charles III has visited Nigeria four times: in 1990, 1999, 2006, and 2018.