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Almajiri: We Cannot Educate Children By Leaving Them To Beg On Streets – Sultan




Things Are Not Okay In Nigeria, People Are Hungry And Angry - Sultan Of Sokoto Laments

The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, has emphasized the need for a shift in how children in the North are educated, criticizing the prevalent system that leaves many begging on the streets.

Naija News reports that the Sultan spoke at the inauguration of the Zamfara State Almajiri Integrated Qur’anic Education Center in Gummi, stressing the importance of integrating modern education with religious teachings.

At the event held on Sunday, the Sultan pointed out that while Qur’anic schools play a crucial role in imparting religious values, the practice of almajiri, which often involves begging, needs urgent reform.

“Qur’anic Schools are centres where religious education and values were inculcated to children, but the only source of concern was begging among almajiri students,” the Sultan stated.

He advocated for the construction of integrated schools to address the issue of out-of-school children and eliminate begging under the guise of learning.

The Sultan emphasized that education is fundamental to societal development and that ignorance is at the root of many societal issues.

Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara, also speaking at the event, reiterated the state’s commitment to safeguarding the future of its youth by providing conducive environments for education.

He detailed the facilities at the new center, which include six classrooms with a capacity of 45 students each, 130 double bed spaces, 12 toilet facilities, a kitchen, and a vocational center offering training in various skills like woodworking and sewing.