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Fuel Sells At ₦715 As Scarcity Hits Kwara




"Hope That Lessons Have Been Learnt" - Fuel Marketers Give Update On Fuel Scarcity

Transporters, business owners, and passengers in Ilorin, the capital of Kwara State and its environs, are facing increased hardships due to the recent surge in petrol prices at local filling stations.

Reports from Naija News indicate that the cost per litre has skyrocketed over the weekend, causing widespread dissatisfaction among residents.

In some areas of the state, petrol prices have hit as high as ₦710 to ₦715 per litre due to ongoing scarcity, significantly above the prices at which some major stations have tried stabilising.

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) continues to sell at ₦580 per litre, whereas major marketers like Total Energies are pricing their fuel at around ₦625 per litre.

Independent marketers, however, are charging between ₦710 and ₦715.

The fuel shortage has led to an inevitable increase in transportation costs, with many transporters expressing their reluctance but necessity to raise fares.

“We don’t want to increase the transport fares, but we have no choice given the current prices and scarcity of fuel,” one local transporter told our correspondent.

Passengers are equally frustrated, noting the broader economic impact. “Everything is getting more expensive, and yet our salaries remain the same. The government has not increased the minimum wage in response to these economic pressures,” a concerned passenger commented.

is an Associate at Naija News. He is a news media enthusiast, he holds a degree in psychology and loves exploring and sharing about the enormous power that lies in the human mind. Email: [email protected], Instagram: adeniyidman