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Smart Ways To Keep Your Money Safe When Travelling




It is easier to get attacked by thieves when travelling alone than with a group of people. This shows why its important to be double-alert while travelling alone so as to keep your money safe.

Here are tips on how to protect yourself from thieves while traveling.

Carry limited cash

You certainly shouldn’t be carrying too much cash around with you in your wallet. If you’ve got a hotel to use as a base, make sure to leave some cash there so that not all your monies are on you.

Divide and hide

Divide and hide your cash into separate pouches or hiding places. For example, you can carry a money pouch under your clothing, with one ATM card and a small amount of cash. If a theft occurs, you are not stranded without access to any funds.

Don’t advertise yourself to thieves

Potential thieves know their terrain. They can easily differentiate a tourist or traveller from a local. However, you can make matters worse by not being discreet with your money. Try not to rummage through notes in public or talk too loudly about how much money you’re carrying as this could entice a local pickpocket to target you.

Don’t be naive

To protect yourself against savvy thieves, be vigilant about watching your purse or wallet, particularly when passing a tourist gathering spot. Exchange enough money at the airport to get you to your hotel with some to spare. Keep a few notes for tips and small purchases in easily accessible areas.

Use other creative stashing methods

There are lots of ways that you can creatively stash cash when travelling abroad. These may include putting notes in eyeglass cases, in between pages of books or even stuffed in socks. You can even cut open the lining of your bag and slide some cash in here.

is a prolific writer, broadcaster and teacher, who likes to try out new things

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