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NaijaNews cookie policy

A cookie is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website that you visit. They are used for various reasons such as saving your search preferences, helping you to register for our services or providing you with targeted advertising.

Thus, the cookies allow you to facilitate your visit on our website and they help to meet your expectations.
You can view and manage cookies in your browser including blocking or deleting them completely, please refer to your browser manufacturer’s help documentation on how to do this.

The following list of cookies is currently used on the website:

Naijanews’ own cookies

Type Cookies Usage Persistance
Preferences `EN_lang` Memorizes the default language of the user. 1 year
`EN_textSize` Memorizes text size preference on articles. Session
`EN_meteo` Memorizes text size preference on articles. 1 year
`EN_meteo_fc` Memorizes user’s favorite unit (Celsius or Fahrenheit) on the Weather pages. 1 Year
Process `EN_poll_{pollid}` Memorizes user’s answer to a poll. 1 Year
Session `EN_lgn` Memorizes user’s data for connection to the Naijanews Community 1 Year

Third party cookies on Naijanews website

Service Cookies Usage Persistance
Google Analytics __utma Collect information about how our visitors use our website. The data collected is in anonymous form and we use it to produce reports which help us to improve the website. 2 Years
__utmb 30 Mins
__utmc Session
__utmv Session
__utmz 6 Months
comScore Sitestat analytics S1 Cookie set by Sitestat for the purposes of tracking site usage. 5 Years
scorecardresearch UIDR Used to help with the collection of Internet web browsing data on specific websites that have enrolled in a broad market research effort by comScore, Inc. to create reports on Internet behavior and trends. 2 Years
UID 2 Years
Facebook datr These cookies, provided by Facebook, are set when a visitor is logged in to or otherwise using their service. This allows a user to easily comment or share an article with their peers through the social network. 2 Years
locale 3 Days
reg_ext_ref Session
reg_fb_gate Session
highContrastMode Session
wd Session
Twitter twitter_sess Used in conjunction with the Twitter social plugins in order to allow following our Twitter accounts easily, share content via Twitter, and to display the latest tweet. Twitter makes use of cookies to improve its own service as well. Session
guest_id Persistent
k Persistent
AddThis __atuvc Used in conjunction with the AddThis button to enable you to share our content through email, social networking sites, blogs and more. Session
di 2 Years
dt 1 Month
ssc 2 Years
ssh 1 Year
sshs 1 Year
uid 2 Years
uit 1 Day
user_segment 1 Month
Projekktor qwprojaaekktor_volume Used to store user’s information and settings for the projekktor html 5 video player. 1 year
smartadserver TestIfCookieP SmartAdServer is a remote ad serving system. Sites and Advertisers are using the system to manage the delivery of their online advertising campaigns. They can collect anonymous statistical data on their visitors to follow the delivery of their campaign and to increase their performance. 2 Years
TestIfCookie Session
pdomid 2 Years
pid 2 Years
pbwmaj6 1 Month
pbw 2 Years
dyncdn 1 Day
mediamind ebNewBandWidth_ Collect information that may be used for online ad tailoring purposes. 1 Year
Google Inc – Doubleclick __gads These cookies are used by Google AdSense DoubleClick for online advertising frequency capping and avoiding the duplication of ads on a page. 2 Years
id 2 Years
_drt_ 1 Day