

NikkieTutorials estimates net worth, biography, age, height, dating, relationship records, salary, income, cars, lifestyles and many more details below. Let’s see, how rich is NikkieTutorials in 2020-2021? Scroll down and check more detailed information about current net worth as well as monthly/yearly salary, expenses and income reports.

What exactly is NikkieTutorials?

Nikkie De Jager , also known as NikkieTutorials, is known for her beauty vlogging and makeup artistry. She is a YouTuber who posts various makeup looks, tips, and beauty-enhancing techniques. She is a professional makeup artist.

Nikkie De Jager was born on March 2, 1994 in Wageningen, Netherlands. She is a Dutch native of white ethnicity. Her astrological sign is Pisces. She is born into the Jager family and raised under their supervision. However, she has not revealed any information about her parents. There is no further information available about her educational activities.

NikkieTutorials parents and siblings

Nikkie is born into the Jager family home, but the identities of her parents are unknown. Her personal life is discreet and she keeps information about her parents out of the public eye. As a result, she will withhold more information about her brother until this date.

Body measurements

Nikkie is a makeup artist and beauty vlogger who stands 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs around 80 kg. Her body measurements are 34-26-38 inches, giving her an attractive appearance. Her skin is white, her hair is blonde and her eyes are hazel.

NikkieTutorials Career

Nikkie started out as a makeup artist thanks to the influence of other YouTube tutorials. Then in 2008, she launched her YouTube channel under the name NikkieTutorials. Nikkie amassed a considerable fan base before joining the Colourfool agency in 2011. She gradually began landing projects, such as The Face and Holland and Benelux’s Next Top Model Miljoenenjacht.

How much does NikkieTutorials earn?

His annual income from his YouTube channel exceeds $1.1 million. Nikkie’s net worth is estimated to be $4 million in 2021.

NikkieTutorials Estimated Net Worth Updated below is Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles and many more details. Let’s check, how rich is Nikkie? Tutorials in 2020-2021?

NikkieTutorials net worth:
$4 million

Estimated net worth in 2021 $4 million
Previous year net worth (2020) 3.5 million dollars
Annual salary Under review.
Source of income
Net worth verification status Not verified

Social media platforms

Her makeup and beauty vlogging career helped her amass more than 12 million subscribers on YouTube and 14.7 million followers on Instagram. She has also earned a substantial amount of money from her social networking sites.

Is NikkieTutorials dating anyone?

Nikkie, a makeup artist, frequently flaunts her beautiful photos on Instagram, making her followers wonder if she has found someone special in her life. Currently, Ella Nikkie is not romantically involved with anyone special. However, according to some online sources, she is secretly dating a man named Rick Smit. There has been no official confirmation of their relationship status.