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Martin Lamotte Biography




Professions Actor , Screenwriter , Director
Nationality French
Birth June 2, 1947 (Paris – France)

Trained in comedy by Tania Balachova , Martin Lamotte joined the Café de la Gare troupe in the early seventies, which included Coluche , Patrick Dewaere , Henri Guybet , Miou-Miou and Romain Bouteille . In 1973, he made his screen debut in If You Don’t Like It, Don’t Disgust Others , a comedy by Raymond Lewin which gave pride of place to the spontaneous reactions of actors watching a pornographic film in a Movie room. A great friend of Coluche, he is his partner in L’Aile ou la thigh (1976) and Inspector la Bavure (1980) by Claude Zidi , as well as in Vous n’avoir pas l’Alsace et la Lorraine (1977) which he directed -same Coluche.

From 1976, Martin Lamotte went it alone by directing the plays The Revenge of Louis XI , The Secret of Zonga , and The Chantiers of Glory in collaboration with Luis Rego and Philippe Bruneau . It didn’t take long for him to team up with the Splendid comedy troupe and enjoyed his first big successes with them: Les Bronzés (1978) by Patrice Leconte , Les Babas cool (1981) by François Leterrier , Les Hommes Préfer les Grosses (id.) , Santa Claus is trash (1982) by Jean-Marie Poiré .

In the eighties, Martin Lamotte became an essential supporting role in French cinema: mechanic in The American Quarter Hour (id.), duke to whom Anémone was to be married in The Wedding of the Century (1985), two films directed by Philippe Galland , friend of Alain Souchon in The Murderous Summer (1983) by Jean Becker , he is especially noted for his performance as “Super-Resistant” in Papy fait de la resistance (1983), a comedy by Jean-Marie Poiré and for which he co-wrote the screenplay. He also worked on the writing of La Vie dissolue de Gérard Floque (1987) by Georges Lautner and Le Zèbre (1992) by Jean Poiret .

Specializing in popular comedy, Martin Lamotte likes to play characterful, falsely authoritarian characters: he plays an apparatchiksomewhat cantankerous in Twist again in Moscow (1986) by Jean-Marie Poiré, a grumpy trainer in Promotion sofa (1990) by Didier Kaminka , a friend of Richard Anconina who doesn’t hold his tongue in his pocket in What are you thinking about? -you? (id.) by Didier Kaminka , an excitable sidekick of Jean Yanne in Fallait pas!… (1996) by Gérard Jugnot or even a cop in turmoil in The Demons of Jesus (1997) by Bernie Bonvoisin .

In 1997, Martin Lamotte directed his first feature film, Ca reste entre nous , a family comedy in which Sam Karmann finds himself caught between his wife ( Catherine Frot ) and his mistress ( Fanny Cottençon ). Limiting himself to occasional appearances in My wife… is called Maurice (2002) by his accomplice Jean-Marie Poiré and in Les Bronzés 3 amis pour la vie (2006) alongside his friends from Splendid, the actor gives a second wind in her career by shooting numerous TV films for the small screen ( Milady by Josée Dayan ) and series including the popular www.SoeurThérè and one of the sagas of summer 2005 3 femmes… un soir d’ summer .

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