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What is SEO? A Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization




What is SEO

You may have heard the term “SEO” thrown around if you are new to website development or digital marketing. But what is SEO, exactly? SEO stands for “search engine optimization,” which improves the quality and quantity of website traffic from search engines. In simpler terms, SEO makes your website more visible to people searching for topics related to your website on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Different between SEO, SEM and PPC?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) are all digital marketing terms that are often used interchangeably, and you might find this confusing. Understanding their differences can help you develop effective online marketing plans.

SEO deals with optimising your website to rank higher in organic search results. It involves optimizing website content, building backlinks, and improving website structure to make it more search engine friendly. SEO is a long-term strategy that takes time to see results. However, once your website achieves higher rankings, it can attract more organic traffic, resulting in sustained growth.

PPC is a form of online advertising where you pay for clicks on your ads. PPC ads are displayed on search engine result pages or other websites that allow advertising. Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their business and target specific demographics to reach their ideal audience. PPC is a short-term strategy that can deliver immediate results, however, it can be costly it is, therefore, important that you have a  well-defined target audience to get the most out of it.

SEM is a broader term that includes both SEO and PPC. It deals with the marketing efforts to improve your website visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through paid and organic means. While SEO is focused on organic results, SEM encompasses all search engine marketing strategies, including PPC.

Each approach has its benefits and can be used alone or in conjunction with others to create a comprehensive online marketing plan. Businesses must carefully consider their goals, target audience, and budget to determine the best strategies.

The Pillars of SEO

Component of SEO

Component of SEO

You can use different SEO strategies to improve your website’s ranking on search engine results pages. These include: On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, and Technical SEO.

On-Page SEO Optimization

On-page SEO, or on-site SEO, is the process of optimizing web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. This activity helps search engines and users better understand and digest the content of a web page. Standard on-page SEO practices include optimizing title tags, content, internal links, and URLs.

It’s important to note that on-page SEO differs from off-page SEO, which refers to optimizing signals that happen off a website, such as backlinks. On-page SEO is anything that can be done on the page itself to improve its rankings. This type of SEO covers anything that can be optimized internally to boost rankings.

Some on-page optimizations include creating content, inserting keywords, improving page speed, and more. The technical issues and quality of content are also factors that can be controlled in on-page SEO. In addition to publishing relevant content, on-page SEO includes optimizing images, using header tags, and writing meta descriptions.

Off-Page SEO Optimization

Off-page SEO includes actions taken outside a website to improve its search engine rankings. These tactics include link building, social media marketing, guest posting, and other optimizations outside your website.

Off-page SEO is all about building the reputation and authority of your website for search engines and users. A very important element of off-page SEO is link building. Building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites can signal to search engines that your website is a reliable source of information. Social media marketing is another key element of off-page SEO. Sharing your website’s content on social media platforms can increase its visibility and drive traffic to your website.

One on-page SEO tactic that still makes a difference is using the main keyword once in the first 100-150 words of an article.

To improve your off-page SEO, evaluating your backlink profile and seeing which domains link to your site the most is essential. You can use tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, or Moz to check your backlink profile and identify areas for improvement.

Technical SEO Optimization

Technical SEO involves optimizing the technical aspects of a website to improve its organic rankings on search engines like Google. It focuses on enhancing crawling, indexing, rendering, and website architecture. Technical SEO works hand in hand with content strategy and link-building strategies to help pages rank highly in search results.

A well-executed technical SEO strategy equips a website with the requirements, making it easy for search engines to crawl and index the site effectively.

Technical SEO involves making changes to a website and its server configurations, such as optimizing page elements, HTTP header responses, XML sitemaps, redirects, and metadata. Technical SEO can directly or indirectly impact search engine crawling, indexing, and ranking. It also improves the overall user experience by making a website faster, easier to understand and crawl by search engines.

Several activities are associated with technical SEO, including submitting your sitemap to Google, creating an SEO-friendly site structure, improving website speed, and making a website mobile-friendly. Basic technical knowledge can help optimize a website for search engines and establish credibility with developers.

To sum up, technical SEO is vital to a successful SEO strategy. It involves optimizing the technical aspects of a website to improve crawling, indexing, rendering, and website architecture. A well-executed technical SEO strategy can improve organic rankings, enhance user experience, and help a website gain credibility with search engines and developers.


Having proper HTML tags, headers, and descriptions on your website is crucial for SEO. It helps search engines like Google understand your content and why it should be ranked higher than your competitor’s content.

Although the idea of HTML may seem daunting to some, there’s no need to worry. You don’t have to be an expert in coding to optimize your HTML for SEO. Changing tags and descriptions can be as easy as copying and pasting. So, it’s essential to take the time to ensure your HTML is properly optimized for SEO to improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Elements of HTML

Let’s examine some of the elements you need to focus on concerning HTML.

Title Tags

Title tags are HTML elements used to define headings and subheadings on a webpage. These tags are essential for both user experience and SEO. The H1 tag should be used for the main heading, while H2 tags can be used for subheadings. It’s important to keep the headings concise and use targeted keywords in the title to improve SEO ranking. Avoid common mistakes like using H tags purely as a design tool, creating bland headings, or making headings too lengthy.

Meta Description

Meta Description is a summary of the content on a webpage that appears beneath the page title in the search engine results page. When writing a Meta Description, you should focus on making it as enticing and informative as possible for the reader, as it can impact click-through rates.

Meta Description


Schema, or structured data, is a standardized format that provides search engines with additional information about website content to enhance search results and improve user experience. Introduced by Google in 2011, website schema helps search engines display more relevant results to users by providing structured data that search engines can read and understand.

Alt Text

When writing an article, it’s important to remember to include alt text for any images you use. Alt text describes the image for visually impaired individuals who rely on assistive technology to browse the web. Despite its importance, many people don’t take advantage of this feature. Alt text should accurately and thoroughly describe the image, and it can also be an opportunity to include relevant keywords for search engine optimization.

URL Slug

The URL slug, also known as a website slug, is the unique identifier of a webpage that comes after the domain name or subfolder in the URL. The URL slug is a crucial component of a website’s URL that communicates to search engines what the content is all about. This segment is also valuable for incorporating relevant keywords to improve search engine optimization.

How Does SEO Work?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website’s content and structure to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). By understanding how search engines work and using strategic planning, implementation, and monitoring techniques, businesses can increase their online presence and attract more targeted traffic to their website. In this article, we will explore the key steps involved in effective SEO.

1. Understanding How Search Engines Work

Search engines like Google use complex algorithms to analyze websites and determine their relevance and authority for specific search queries. These algorithms consider various factors such as keywords, content quality, user experience, backlinks, and more. By understanding how these algorithms work, businesses can optimize their websites to improve their search engine rankings.

2. Researching

The first step in any successful SEO campaign is conducting thorough research. This includes researching keywords and phrases relevant to the business and its target audience. By identifying the most effective keywords to target, busineses can create optimised content for search engines and more likely to rank highly on SERPs.

3. Planning

Once the research is completed, it’s time to create a plan for optimizing the website. This includes creating a content strategy incorporating target keywords, improving website structure and navigation, optimizing meta tags, and ensuring the website is mobile-friendly. By creating a comprehensive plan, businesses can ensure they cover all the necessary aspects of effective SEO.

4. Creating and Implementing

With the plan in place, it’s time to start creating and implementing the various optimization strategies. This may include creating new content, optimizing existing content, building backlinks, and improving website structure and design. It’s important to ensure that all optimizations are ethical and follow best practices to avoid penalties from search engines.

5. Monitoring and Maintaining

SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and maintenance. This involves regularly checking website analytics and search engine rankings to identify improvement areas. Businesses should also continue to create and publish high-quality content to keep the website relevant and engaging for visitors.

6. Analyzing, Assessing and Reporting on Performance

Finally, it’s important to analyze and assess the performance of the website and its SEO strategies. This involves tracking various metrics such as website traffic, bounce rate, keyword rankings, and backlinks. By regularly assessing performance and making adjustments as necessary, businesses can continue to improve their search engine rankings and attract more targeted traffic to their website.

Olawale Adeniyi Journalist | Content Writer | Proofreader and Editor.
